The wedding took place recently at St Patricks Church Cross Roads Killygordon of Lee-Anne Sweeney & Andrew Gallagher.The bride was attended to by Chief Bridesmaid Charlotte Sweeney and Bridesmaids Majella Sweeney, Amanda Sweeney and Maggie McNamee. James Strain was best man and Paul McCauley, Gerard Moss and Paddy O’Brien were groomsmen. Pageboy was Rory Sweeney and Flower girls were Rachel Mangan, Rosemarie Gallen, Ruby McLaughlin & Hannah Sweeney Murray.
The Nuptial Mass was celebrated by Fr Joseph McGee MSC (cousin of the groom) and Fr Patsy Arkinson PP .The wedding reception was held in the Millpark Hotel Donegal Town. Jason Mc Garrigle was Videographer and Gerard Mc Girr wedding services provided the wedding transport.
We take this opportunity to wish Lee-Anne & Andrew the very best in their future lives together